How-To Make A Will: Step-By-Step Guide

How-To Make A Will: Step-By-Step Guide

At Boswell PLLC, our experienced estate planning attorneys in Dallas understand the importance of creating a will to protect your assets and ensure your final wishes are carried out. Crafting a will may seem daunting, but with our step-by-step guide, you can navigate the process smoothly and efficiently. Let's delve into how to make a will in six simple steps. Schedule a consultation today.

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Step 1: Determine Your Assets

Before embarking on drafting your will with Boswell PLLC, an estate planning attorney in Dallas, take stock of all your assets, encompassing real estate, investments, vehicles, and personal belongings. Understanding the full scope of what you own allows you to make informed decisions regarding how you want your estate allocated and dispersed among beneficiaries.

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Step 2: Choose an Executor

Selecting a reliable executor to oversee the execution of your will is paramount when engaging in estate planning with Boswell PLLC, your trusted estate planning attorney. Your chosen executor will be tasked with implementing your final wishes and managing the affairs of your estate following your passing. It is imperative to designate an individual you trust implicitly, as they will play a crucial role in ensuring that your wishes are carried out accurately and effectively. Consulting with an experienced estate lawyer can help you make an informed decision when selecting a suitable executor for your estate.

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Step 3: Draft Your Will

Collaborating with an experienced estate planning attorney from Boswell PLLC, draft a detailed will outlining the distribution of your assets among chosen beneficiaries. It is vital to be specific and clear in your instructions to avoid any ambiguity or disputes after your passing. Your estate lawyer will guide you through the process, ensuring that your will complies with estate law and effectively captures your intentions regarding the allocation of your estate.

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Step 4: Consider Guardianship

If you have minor children, it is essential to address guardianship arrangements in your will with assistance from us, your dedicated estate planning attorney in Dallas. Naming a guardian for your children ensures that they will be cared for by a trusted individual in the event of your passing. Your estate lawyer can provide valuable insight and guidance in selecting an appropriate guardian who will prioritize the well-being and upbringing of your children according to your wishes.

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Step 5: Sign and Execute Your Will

After finalizing the drafting process with your estate planning attorney, it is time to sign and execute your will following the stipulated legal requirements. Your estate lawyer will ensure that your will is properly executed, signed in the presence of witnesses, and meets all necessary formalities to be considered legally binding. This step is crucial in validating the authenticity and legality of your will, ensuring that your wishes regarding the distribution of your estate are upheld and carried out according to your instructions.

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Step 6: Review and Update Regularly

As life circumstances evolve, it is essential to review and update your will periodically with guidance from Boswell PLLC in Dallas. Life events such as marriages, births, divorces, or significant asset acquisitions may necessitate revisions to your will to reflect your current wishes accurately. Your estate lawyer can assist you in reviewing your will regularly to ensure it remains up-to-date and aligned with your current intentions. By routinely revisiting and updating your will when needed, you can ensure that your estate plan continues to accurately reflect your wishes and effectively protect your assets for the future.


Making a will is a crucial step in securing your legacy and providing for your loved ones according to your desires. By following these six steps and consulting with an experienced estate planning attorney from Boswell PLLC, you can create a comprehensive and legally sound will that safeguards your estate for the future. Schedule your consultation today.

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